National Championship Poultry & Egg Show Regulations

The National Championship Show is held under The Poultry Club rules with the following additions:

  1. During periods of increased disease risk to our national flock, any bird showing signs of respiratory disease during inspection will be prohibited from entering the gathering. In addition, all other birds from the same owner and/or place of origin will also be excluded. This measure is a recommendation from the authorities responsible for the control and prevention of notifiable avian diseases in the UK. Entry fees will not be refunded when birds are excluded on health grounds. Bio-security rules and prevention measures for Avian disease must be adhered to by all exhibitors.
  2. All birds must enter in clean carriers/boxes with clean bedding. All carriers/boxes must be solid sided and/or secured in such a fashion that bedding cannot fall out of out of carriers during transit/entry.
  3. Cockerel and pullet classes refer to birds hatched on, or after, 1 January 2021.
  4. No bird from a trio or pair is eligible for single bird specials. A trio or pair is classed as one exhibit and must remain intact.
  5. Exhibits may be delivered to the Show Hall between 16:00 and 19:30 hours on Friday, 3rd December 2021 or between 06:30 and 08:30 hours on Saturday, 4th December 2021. Last admittance on Friday 3rd December 2021 is 19:30. Show hall closes at 20:00. No admittance outside these times without prior permission of the show manager.
  6. Exhibitors must complete the declaration form before admittance to the show.
  7. All birds must be penned by 08:30 hours on Saturday. No late admittance.
  8. Feeding and watering will be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Breed Clubs will check that unattended exhibits are fed and watered. Feed will be provided.
  9. No exhibits may be removed before 15:15 hours on Sunday, or until all the birds are accounted for. Only the show manager can give the go-ahead to release birds from the Show Hall. Egg exhibits can be boxed from 14:30. This will be strictly adhered to.
  10. No classes will be cancelled, amalgamated, or divided.
  11. The appointed judge will award the Breed Club Specials reserved for Breed Club Members, the distribution of the Specials will be the responsibility of the various Clubs concerned.
  12. Poultry Club Trophy cards will be placed on relevant pens.
  13. Exhibits entered in incorrect classes are liable to be excluded from competition.
  14. It is permissible for birds to wear only closed Poultry Club official leg rings or wing tags (includes Isle of Man, EU and 2009 BWA rings) or matching tattoos, so long as they do not indicate in any way the actual ownership of exhibits, or otherwise identify them with their exhibitors.  The Poultry Club wing tag displays the same information as the approved leg ring and where these wing tags are used, this is to be the only form of identification.
  15. Only birds entered in the Show or Sale will be permitted in the Show Hall.
  16. All birds will be inspected on arrival at the show hall and the Organisers or their Stewards reserve the right to search show boxes at any time.
  17. The Poultry Club disclaims all responsibility for lost or mistaken exhibits.
  18. No entries can be accepted without correct entry fee. Cheques/POs payable to The Poultry Club. Incorrect entry fees are liable to lead to exclusion. Entry, catalogue, sales pen, admission, prize fund, postage & other fees made at the time of entry are non-refundable in the event of non-attendance.
  19. A parent or guardian must accompany all Junior Handlers at the time of judging.
  20. If the Show is cancelled after the closing date for entries, the Poultry Club reserve the right to treat any entry fee up to £30 as a donation.
  21. Please follow the guidance of The International Centre, Telford with regard to safety measures for Covid-19.